「episode 2 past」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

episode 2 past」(2008/08/21 (木) 06:02:38) の最新版変更点



Cu was born in Dego, hid oneself in Lbonosshiti when it was young, and lived. It was the world only of the living of Pepengin in Lbonosshiti in those days. Of course, there was there would be an angel army. The ・・・・ Tatatatatatatatatatatan loud sound has resounded from the outside one day. Parents have already stayed up before he gets up. 「What be it will Cu, and sound?。」 Father said Cu. Might ・・・・ "" and Cu are places in which it answers, and it tried to go to peep ‥ A lot of screams have sounded. Mother「..Cu.. hide oneself. The angel army in the outside :. 」 Cu was obediently hidden because it had said. Cu is taught the angel army for a long time by parents and has lived. Therefore, Cu also knew all fears of the angel army. The grandfather and the grandmother of Cu had already heard that it had been killed by the angel army about 30 years ago from parents. Absolutely..part..father..leave a message..sound..do..direction..run. "Yes" It answered obediently. I have heard it from the Tatatatatatatata outside. I have heard it from "Gaa" and the outside simultaneously with. Oil has flowed to the presence. (Oil has the same meaning as "Blood" said by man. )It was not possible to move there in Cu for fear. The sound did not become it about one hour later. Cu put out the body from the hidden place and looked about surroundings. The hell drawing has extended to the presence. A lot of remains to have the shape of Pepengin were rolling. ・・・・ to which oil effused there All Wazawaiwazawai Dancon remains in any remains it did not speak for fear in the presence though ・・・・ Cu came to want to shout in that even as for father and mother's things ・・・. Then, Lobo of the mystery showed up to the presence. ・・・・ The Lobo fired the smile at here floating for the gun.

