The fin lived in Kiristonca islands of Dego. The fin said, "There was the mysterious one made Meramera red ..what.. in father and the other side".
"That was called a flame" ..sleep, causing at the festival, and because of very hot ..near.... and father said.
「..referring.. ?ん」
As for the fin at this time, it did not know what there was still by you ・・・・.
(Just at this time, Lbonosshiti was being attacked by the angel army. )The flame is seen and. " about 30 minutes later "Though it might be, and be a taken person being able.. winning. 「When do you disobey me?」
「I do not receive the order of former Nipponia nippon etc. joking. 」
The quarrel has been heard somewhere. And, ・・・・ Don and Dodon and Don. I want to do the loud sound from the outside.
"It put and , started" father said.
「What sound?Festival. Do not want to go by me. 」
The fin said.
"What?" fin that "No, it is 'Killed one another'" father had answered was assumed to be a blank surprise without knowing what there was by you ・・・・The loud sound floated when standing as it is and remains of the dark and angel army Lobo who had rotted away instead were floating in the sea.
It left a message and father who left said the other angel army robot though it was "It was a punishment against excrement and me" laugh ‥. " .."It is sarcastic ・・・ companion's killing one another to kill we monsters and to obtain the parts...
The fin only looked at the site having already lost the word ‥.
最終更新:2008年08月22日 10:54