
ASA 17-016-2007 ラビア女史子息=アブリキム氏らに拷問と虐待の恐れ



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2007年12月24日以降の累計アクセス数= - ; 今日のアクセス数= - ; 昨日のアクセス数= -

AI INDEX:ASA 17/016/2007
  • 国名:中華人民共和国(新疆ウイグル自治区)
  • ケース:拷問と虐待の恐れ/起訴のない拘禁/医療の懸念



  • アブリキム・アブディリイム(Ablikim Abdiriyim、阿布力肯木・阿布都熱衣木)(男性)33歳、
  • アリム・アブディリイム(Alim Abdiriyim、阿里木・阿布都熱衣木)(男性) 31歳、
  • ルシャングル・アブディリイム(Rushangul Abdiriyim、茹仙姑麗)(女性) 38歳、
  • カイサル(Kaysar)(男性) 39歳ぐらい、
  • ライラ(Rayila)(女性) 24歳、
  • ラズィア(Razia)(女性) 15歳、
  • サルダル・カイサル(Sardar Kaysar)(男性) 9歳、
  • エパル・アリム(Epar Alim)(女性) 4歳、
  • トゥルグン(Turghun)(男性) 9歳、
  • カハル・アブディリイム(Kahar Abdiriyim ) (男性) 42歳、
  • ママト・カーディル(Mamat Kadeer )(男性)


ウイグルの活動家=ラビア・カーディル(Rebiya Kadeer、熱比亞、レビヤ・カデール)の3男=アブリキム・アブディリイムは、4月17日に「分離主義活動を煽動し、従事した」罪で9年の懲役刑を言い渡された。判決では、同時に、彼の政治的権利も将来の釈放後、3年間停止することに決定された。これは、現実には外部との一切の連絡を絶たれた自宅軟禁を意味している。その上、4月初旬には、中国政府当局は、彼の一家の事業を資産評価してから精算の手続きを始めたと報じられる。




2007年4月2日、彼の家族とそのビジネスに対応するために中国当局によって組織された「カーディル調査グループ」(the Kadeer Working Group、「307?公室」)が、家族のビジネスに対して科せられた税金を取り立てるために財産を没収する手続きを開始すると通知した。当局はずっとラビヤ・カーディルの長男=カハール・アブディリイムに、この手続きを進めるようにと言ってきた。彼が協力しない場合は逮捕する、そして家族の誰かが没収手続きについて口外したら処罰する、と警告した。


ラビア・カーディルの家族は、彼女[ラビア]が良心の囚人として1999年に最初に拘禁されて以来、標的とされてきた。それは、彼女が2005年3月17日に治療のために保釈され、アメリカに向けて出国したときから、一層強まった。ラビア・カーディルは、保釈に先立ち、当局から、釈放後ウイグル人社会と関わったり、「微妙なこと」について公的な発言をすれば、「おまえのビジネスと子どもたちはおしまいだぞ」と、警告された。ラビア・カーディルが「世界ウイグル会議」(the World Uyghur Congress、世界維吾爾代表大會)[URL; ]の主席に選ばれた翌日の2006年11月27日、裁判所より、アリム・アブディリイムと彼の兄弟のカハール・アブディリイムは数百万米ドルの罰金を申し渡され、さらにアリムは脱税の罪で7年の懲役刑を言い渡された。ラビア・カディールは、繰り返し、いかなる違法行為も犯していないと言明している。アムネスティは、彼女の人権活動に対する仕返しとして彼女の家族に対して加えられる処罰のパターンから、警察当局の捜査の信頼性に深刻な疑問がある、と考えている。


2006年6月2日、ASA 17/032/2006、UA156/06[第1号]
ASA 17/038/2006、 2006年7月10日、UA156/06[第2号]
ASA 17/060/2006; 2006年12月1日、UA156/06[第3号]
ASA 17/011/2007, 2007年3月8日、UA156/06[第4号]


PUBLIC AI Index: ASA 17/016/2007 19 April 2007

Further Information on
UA 156/06 (ASA 17/032/2006, 2 June 2006)
and follow-up
(ASA 17/038/2006, 10 July 2006;
ASA 17/060/2006, 1 December 2006;
ASA 17/011/2007, 8 March 2007)

  • Fear of torture and ill-treatment/Medical concern

  • Ablikim Abdiriyim (m) aged 33
  • Alim Abdiriyim (m) aged 31
  • Rushangul Abdiriyim (f) aged 37
  • Kaysar (m), aged approx 39
  • Rayila (f), aged 25
  • Razia (f), aged 16
  • Sardar Kaysar (m), aged 10
  • Epar Alim (f), aged 5
  • Turghun (m), aged 9
  • Kahar Abdiriyim (m) aged 42
  • Mamat Kadeer (m)

Ablikim Abdiriyim, third son of Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer, was sentenced on 17 April to nine years' imprisonment on charges of "instigation and engaging in secessionist activities". The court also deprived him of his political rights for three years, which will apparently take effect upon his eventual release. In practice, this can mean effective house arrest, with no means of communicating with the outside world. In addition, at the beginning of April, the Chinese authorities reportedly initiated a process to assess and liquidate the Kadeer family businesses.

According to the Chinese state media, Ablikim Abdiriyim confessed during the trial to the charges that he had "spread secessionist articles over the Internet, turned the public against the Chinese government and written articles which distorted China's human rights and ethnic policies."

The verdict, issued by Intermediate People's Court in Urumchi, capital of China's Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR), reportedly said that Ablikim Abdiriyim had asked the Uighur-language webmaster of the Yahoo website to publish two articles entitled "Issues to be aware of and prohibited in Jihad" and "Struggle toward Independence". To Amnesty International's knowledge, there is no Uighur-language Yahoo site. The verdict also alleged that Ablikim Abdiriyim had planned to distribute written materials "in an attempt to stir up public protest against the local government", as well as an article he had written about China's policies on human rights and ethnic minority groups.

According to his family, Ablikim Abdiriyim was denied legal representation at the trial and did not have access to a lawyer. His family also did not receive advance notice about Ablikim's trial, which reportedly took place on 22 January. It is not clear whether Ablikim will appeal against the sentence, or whether he has been transferred from the Tianshan detention centre to a prison after the court issued the sentence.

On 2 April 2007, the "Kadeer Working Group", set up by the Chinese authorities to handle the state's action against the family and the business, posted notices announcing the start of an operation to liquidate the family's assets in order to pay the fines levied on the family business. The authorities reportedly forced Kahar Abdiriyim, Rebiya Kadeer's eldest son, to lead the operation. They warned that if he did not cooperate he would be arrested, and that any family members who spoke out against the confiscation process will face legal punishment.

There have been no further reports about Ablikim Abdiriyim's health. Amnesty International remains gravely concerned that the authorities continue to deny Ablikim the medical treatment he needs. In March, reliable sources said Ablikim's condition had deteriorated critically because of the injuries he sustained as a result of beatings and other ill-treatment suffered in detention. He was reportedly seen being carried out of Tianshan Detention Centre on a stretcher on 26 November 2006. No family members have been allowed to visit Ablikim since he was detained in June 2006.

Rebiya Kadeer's family has been targeted by the authorities since she was first detained as a prisoner of conscience in 1999. This intensified after her release from prison on medical parole on 17 March 2005, when she left China for the USA. Rebiya Kadeer claims that prior to her release she was warned that if she engaged with members of the Uighur ethnic community or spoke publicly about "sensitive issues" after her release, her "businesses and children will be finished". On 27 November 2006, the day after Rebiya Kadeer was elected president of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), the court sentenced Alim Abdiriyim and his brother Kahar Abdiriyim to fines amounting to millions of US dollars, and Alim to seven years' imprisonment on charges of tax evasion. Rebiya Kadeer has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. Amnesty International believes that the pattern of retribution against Rebiya Kadeer's family for her human rights activities cast serious doubt on the credibility of the police investigation.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Chinese, English or your own language:
  • calling on the authorities to guarantee that Ablikim, Alim and Kahar Abdiriyim be given the opportunity to appeal against their sentences, be given access to lawyers of their choice and court documents, and that they be given a fair hearing if they choose to appeal;
  • expressing continued concern at reports that Ablikim Abdiriyim is denied access to adequate medical treatment for injuries sustained due to torture or ill-treatment in custody, urging the authorities to ensure that he be given the medical treatment he needs;
  • calling on the authorities to allow Ablikim Abdiriyim to receive visits from his family;
  • calling on the authorities to launch a full, independent and impartial investigation into the reported beatings of Ablikim and Alim Abdiriyim and to bring those responsible to justice;
  • calling on the authorities to bring an end to the human rights violations directed at Rebiya Kadeer's family, including ill-treatment in detention, police harassment and other restrictions on their freedom of expression.

Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China
WEN Jiabao Guojia Zongli
The State Council
9 Xihuangcheng Genbeijie, Beijingshi 100032, People's Republic of China
Fax: +86 10 65292345 (c/o Ministry of Communication)
Salutation: Your Excellency

Chairman of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Regional People's Government
Ismail TILIWALDI Zhuxi
Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Renmin Zhengfu
2 Zhongshanlu, Wulumuqishi 830041, Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu, People's
Republic of China
Salutation: Dear Chairman

Mayor of Wulumuqi Municipal People's Government
Shokrat Zakir Shizhang
Wulumuqi Shizhengfu Bangongting
1316 Kelamayi Donglu, Wulumuqi Shi 830063, Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu,
People's Republic of China
Fax: +86 991 4689654

and to diplomatic representatives of China accredited to your country.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International
Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 31 May
