

開発者ガイド」(2008/04/10 (木) 21:20:56) の最新版変更点



[[原文>http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/]] Google App Engineへようこそ! この開発者ガイドはGoogleの技術を使ってスケーラブルなWebアプリケーションを構築するために必要な情報が全てそろっています。 This guide contains the following sections: -はじめに --[[Google App Engineってなに?]]&br()App Engineの特徴とサービスの紹介 --Getting Started, a quick tutorial introducing the App Engine APIs with a working example. Start here if this is your first time using App Engine. -APIs --The Python Runtime, about the Python environment in which your app runs; CGI, sandbox features, application caching, logging --Datastore API, all about the scalable datastore and how to use it effectively --Users API, integrating your app with Google Accounts --URL Fetch API, accessing other Internet hosts from your app --Mail API, sending email from your app -Tools and Configuration --The webapp Framework, a simple foundation for web applications --Configuring an App, all about app.yaml --Configuring Indexes, all about index.yaml --The Dev Web Server, simulating App Engine on your computer with dev_appserver.py --Uploading an App, updating the public version of your app with appcfg.py --The Admin Console, managing and monitoring your app's traffic and logs, switching between major versions
[[原文>http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/]] Google App Engineへようこそ! この開発者ガイドはGoogleの技術を使ってスケーラブルなWebアプリケーションを構築するために必要な情報が全てそろっています。 このガイドは以下のセクションを含んでいます。 -はじめに --[[Google App Engineってなに?]]&br()App Engineの特徴とサービスの紹介 --[[導入]]&br()実例を交えながらApp Engine APIを紹介するチュートリアルです。App Engineを使うのが初めてなら、最初にまずここから始めましょう。 -APIs --The Python Runtime, about the Python environment in which your app runs; CGI, sandbox features, application caching, logging --Datastore API, all about the scalable datastore and how to use it effectively --Users API, integrating your app with Google Accounts --URL Fetch API, accessing other Internet hosts from your app --Mail API, sending email from your app -Tools and Configuration --The webapp Framework, a simple foundation for web applications --Configuring an App, all about app.yaml --Configuring Indexes, all about index.yaml --The Dev Web Server, simulating App Engine on your computer with dev_appserver.py --Uploading an App, updating the public version of your app with appcfg.py --The Admin Console, managing and monitoring your app's traffic and logs, switching between major versions




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