
API一覧」(2006/03/29 (水) 03:04:30) の最新版変更点



*Global Function Groups ** Action Functions ** Activity Functions |関数名|内容|記入・更新日| |AcceptDuel()|playerへのduelの挑戦を許可する。|'06/3/28| |AttackTarget()|Targetしたunitへ攻撃する。|'06/3/28| |CancelDuel() |duelへの挑戦を断る。|'06/3/28| |CancelLogout()||'06/3/28| |CancelMeetingStoneRequest()||'06/3/28| |ClearTutorials()||'06/3/28| |ConfirmSummon()||'06/3/28| This section is for functions which make the player do something (and which aren't covered elsewhere, and which aren't simply confirmation steps) : [[API AcceptDuel|AcceptDuel()]] - The player accepts the challenge to duel. : [[API AttackTarget|AttackTarget()]] - Attacks the targetted unit. : [[API CancelDuel|CancelDuel()]] - Refuse the invitation to fight a duel. : [[API CancelLogout|CancelLogout()]] : [[API CancelMeetingStoneRequest|CancelMeetingStoneRequest()]] : [[API ClearTutorials|ClearTutorials()]] : [[API ConfirmSummon|ConfirmSummon()]] : REMOVED [[API Duel|Duel()]] - Duels a specified user by name. (No longer valid -- [[User:Flickering|Flickering]] 14:38, 1 Jan 2005 (EST)) : REMOVED [[API EnablePVP|EnablePVP()]] - Enable PVP Status (Removed in 1.4.0 patch -- [[User:Flickering|Flickering]] 23:12, 19 Apr 2005 (EDT)) : [[API FlagTutorial|FlagTutorial("tutotial")]] : [[API ForceLogout|ForceLogout()]] : [[API ForceQuit|ForceQuit()]] : [[API GetSummonConfirmAreaName|GetSummonConfirmAreaName()]] : [[API GetSummonConfirmSummoner|GetSummonConfirmSummoner()]] : [[API GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft|GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft()]] : [[API Logout|Logout]] - Logs the user out of the game. : [[API Quit|Quit]] - Quits the application, NOT the LUA script. : [[API RandomRoll|RandomRoll(low, high)]] - Does a random roll between the two values. : [[API SitOrStand|SitOrStand()]] - The player sits or stands. : [[API StartDuel|StartDuel("name")]] - Challenge someone to a duel (by name) : [[API StartDuelUnit|StartDuelUnit]]("[[API TYPE UnitId|unit]]") - Challenge a unit to a duel. : [[API TogglePVP|TogglePVP()]] - Toggles PVP Status : [[API ToggleSheath|ToggleSheath()]] - Toggles sheathed or unsheathed weapons. **AddOn Functions **Auction Functions ** Bank Functions ** Battlefield Functions ** Buff/Debuff Functions ** Camera Functions ** Channel Functions ** Character Functions ** Chat Functions ** Communication Functions ** Container/Bag Functions ** Crafting Functions ** Cursor Functions ** Debugging Functions ** Disabled Functions ** Dressing Room Functions ** Enchanting Functions ** Faction Functions ** Friend Functions ** GM Functions ** Gossip Functions ** Group Functions ** Guild Functions ** Honor Functions ** Ignore Functions ** Inspection Functions
*Global Function Groups ** Action Functions ** Activity Functions |関数名|内容|記入・更新日| |AcceptDuel()|playerへのduelの挑戦を許可する。|'06/3/28| |AttackTarget()|Targetしたunitへ攻撃する。|'06/3/28| |CancelDuel() |duelへの挑戦を断る。|'06/3/28| |CancelLogout()||'06/3/28| |CancelMeetingStoneRequest()||'06/3/28| |ClearTutorials()||'06/3/28| |ConfirmSummon()||'06/3/28| **AddOn Functions **Auction Functions ** Bank Functions ** Battlefield Functions ** Buff/Debuff Functions ** Camera Functions ** Channel Functions ** Character Functions ** Chat Functions ** Communication Functions ** Container/Bag Functions ** Crafting Functions ** Cursor Functions ** Debugging Functions ** Disabled Functions ** Dressing Room Functions ** Enchanting Functions ** Faction Functions ** Friend Functions ** GM Functions ** Gossip Functions ** Group Functions ** Guild Functions ** Honor Functions ** Ignore Functions ** Inspection Functions

